
Cases have a service location and an asset that is tied to a customer.

Get a single case

GET /cases/{id}

Response Attributes

Name Value
assetArrived The time at which the asset arrived at the service location.
assetCheckInTime The time at which the asset was checked in at the service location.
assetInformation:mileage The mileage of the asset when the case is created.
assetInformation:trailer:loaded The status of the trailer.
assetInformation:trailer:unitNumber The unit number of the trailer attached to the asset.
assignee:groupName The group name for the assignee.
assignee:id The assignee of the case when created.
assignee:name The name of the assignee.
assignee:url The Assignee URL.
atr Actual time of repair.
attachmentsURL The Cases attachments url.
authNumber Authorization Number.
billingCustomerURL The Billing Customer URL.
breakdown:city The current location city of the asset.
breakdown:driverName The driver’s name.
breakdown:driverPhone The driver’s phone number.
breakdown:location The current location of the asset.
breakdown:state The current location state of the asset.
cause The description of the cause for the case.
closed Identifies whether the Case is Closed or not.
closeURL The URL to Close the Case.
complaint The description of the complaint.
confirmedAppointmentTime Confirmed appointment time.
coreTotal The total cost for Core parts.
correction The description of the resolution for the case.
createdAt The date the record was created.
customComplaintCodes:code A set of custom complaint codes (must be defined through Professional Services before use).
customerRequestedAppointmentTime The customer’s preferred appointment time.
customerRequestedCompletionTime The customer’s preferred completion time.
customerURL The Customer URL.
downtime The time at which the asset was not operational.
estimateURL The Estimate URL.
etr Estimated time of repair.
followupTime The time by which the customer needs to be contacted.
freight The cost for Freight.
hazWaste The cost for Hazardous Waste.
id The numerical record id.
invoiceAmount Invoice total.
invoiceDate Invoice Date.
invoiceNumber Invoice number.
laborTotal The total cost for Labor.
notesURL The Case notes URL.
openURL The URL to Open the Case.
originationEvent The origination of the Event.
parentCaseURL The Parent Case URL.
partsTotal The total cost for Parts.
poNumber Purchase order number.
primaryContact:name The full name of the primary contact.
primaryContact:phone The phone number of the primary contact.
primaryContact:relation The relation of the primary contact.
roNumber Repair order number.
serviceLocationSuggestedAppointmentTime Service location’s preferred appointment time.
serviceLocationURL The Service Location URL.
severity A decimal value indicating the severity of the estimate.
shippingCustomerURL The Shipping Customer URL.
shopSupplies The cost of the Shop Supplies.
status:name Current status of the case.
subcasesURL The Subcases URL.
tagNumber Tag number for the asset on the lot.
tax The amount of tax charged.
total The accumulated total.
updatedAt The date the record was last updated.
uptime The time at which the asset was operational.
URL The object URL.
vmrs:code14 Reason for repair.
vmrs:code15 Work Accomplished.
vmrs:code16 Repair priority.
vmrs:code17 Repair site.
vmrs:code82 Operator Report.
vmrs:complaintCode33 Component code for the complaint.
vmrs:complaintCode79 Position code for the complaint.
vmrs:correctionCode33 Component code for the correction.
vmrs:correctionCode79 Position code for the correction.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<case xmlns=""
        <ct:driverName>driver name</ct:driverName>

List cases

A collection of cases.

GET /cases



  • asset_id: Asset id or uuid can be used (e.g. /cases?asset_id=12345 or /cases?asset_id=7e03d16e-e1c7-11e8-9f32-f2801f1b9fd1)
  • assignee_id: User id or uuid can be used (e.g. /cases?assignee_id=12345 or /cases?assignee_id=7e03d16e-e1c7-11e8-9f32-f2801f1b9fd1)
  • created_after: Accepted format: YYYYMMDD (e.g. /cases?created_after=20190101)
  • created_before: Accepted format: YYYYMMDD (e.g. /cases?created_before=20190101)
  • closed: Accepted values are: true or false (e.g. /cases?closed=true)
  • customer_id: Customer id or uuid can be used (e.g. /cases?customer_id=12345 or /cases?customer_id=7e03d16e-e1c7-11e8-9f32-f2801f1b9fd1)
  • ro_number
  • service_location_id: Service Location id or uuid can be used (e.g. /cases?service_location_id=12345 or /cases?service_location_id=7e03d16e-e1c7-11e8-9f32-f2801f1b9fd1)
  • updated_after: Accepted format: YYYYMMDD (e.g. /cases?updated_after=20190101)
  • updated_before: Accepted format: YYYYMMDD (e.g. /cases?updated_before=20190101)


page filter can be used to paginate the results (e.g. /cases?page=1)


Records are sorted by created_at in descending order.


5 results

Response Attributes

See Response Attributes above


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cases xmlns=""
            <ct:driverName>driver name</ct:driverName>
            <ct:driverName>driver name</ct:driverName>

List of senders for a case

A list of users that can be used to interact on the case.

GET /cases/{id}/senders
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:senders xmlns:ct=""

List of recipients for a case

A list of users that can be interacted with on the case.

GET /cases/{id}/recipients


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<r:recipients xmlns:ct=""

List of assignees

A collection of users that the case can be assigned to.

GET /cases/{id}/assignees


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<as:assignees xmlns:g=""

List of statuses

A collection of statuses that the API consumer can assign to a case.

GET /cases/{id}/statuses


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<statuses xmlns:ct=""
 xmlns = ""

Update a case

POST /cases/{id}

Request Attributes

Name Condition Description
assetArrived required The time at which the asset arrived at the service location.
assetCheckInTime optional The time at which the asset was checked in at the service location.
assetIdentifier:id optional The Decisiv Asset Id.
assetInformation:mileage required The mileage of the asset when the case is created.
assetInformation:trailer:loaded required The status of the trailer.
assetInformation:trailer:unitNumber required The unit number of the trailer attached to the asset.
atr required Actual time of repair.
authNumber required Authorization Number.
breakdown:city required The current location city of the asset.
breakdown:driverName required The driver’s name.
breakdown:driverPhone required The driver’s phone number.
breakdown:location required The current location of the asset.
breakdown:state required The current location state of the asset.
cause required The description of the cause for the case.
complaint required The description of the complaint.
confirmedAppointmentTime required Confirmed appointment time.
correction required The description of the resolution for the case.
customComplaintCodes:code optional A set of custom complaint codes (must be defined through Professional Services before use).
customerRequestedAppointmentTime required The customer’s preferred appointment time.
customerRequestedCompletionTime required The customer’s preferred completion time.
downtime required The time at which the asset was not operational.
etr required Estimated time of repair.
followupTime required The time by which the customer needs to be contacted.
invoiceAmount required Invoice total.
invoiceDate optional Invoice Date.
invoiceNumber required Invoice number.
poNumber required Purchase order number.
primaryContact:name required The full name of the primary contact.
primaryContact:phone required The phone number of the primary contact.
primaryContact:relation required The relation of the primary contact.
roNumber required Repair order number.
serviceLocationSuggestedAppointmentTime required Service location’s preferred appointment time.
status:name optional Current status of the case.
tagNumber required Tag number for the asset on the lot.
uptime required The time at which the asset was operational.
vmrs:code14 optional Reason for repair.
vmrs:code15 optional Work Accomplished.
vmrs:code16 optional Repair priority.
vmrs:code17 optional Repair site.
vmrs:code82 optional Operator Report.
vmrs:complaintCode33 optional Component code for the complaint.
vmrs:complaintCode79 optional Position code for the complaint.
vmrs:correctionCode33 optional Component code for the correction.
vmrs:correctionCode79 optional Position code for the correction.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<case xmlns=""
        <ct:driverName>driver name</ct:driverName>
      <ct:name>status name</ct:name>


A single case response.

Close a case

PUT /cases/{id}/actions/close


# success
Status: 202
# failure - ie. already closed
Status: 403

Open a case

Open or re-open a case.

PUT /cases/{id}/actions/open


# success
Status: 202
# failure - ie. already opened
Status: 403