Service locations are business entities that perform work on assets.
GET /service_locations
, name
, address
, address2
, city
, state
, postalCode
, country
, phone
, fax
, email
All filtering fields and createdAt
and updatedAt
10 results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<serviceLocations xmlns=""
GET /service_locations/{id}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<serviceLocation xmlns=""
Allows an entity to request service from a service location. An asset or parent case must be provided.
POST /service_locations/{id}/service_requests
Name | Value |
assetIdentifier:id | Decisiv id of the asset |
assignee:id | Assignee of the case when created. |
asset_information:mileage | Mileage of the asset when the case is created. |
asset_information:trailer:unit | Unit number of the trailer attached to the asset. |
asset_information:trailer:loaded | Status of the trailer. |
primary_contact:name | Full name of the primary contact. |
primary_contact:phone | Phone number of the primary contact. |
primary_contact:relation | Relation of the primary contact. |
breakdown:driverName | Name of driver. |
breakdown:driverPhone | Phone number of driver. |
breakdown:location | Current location of the asset. |
breakdown:city | Current location city of the asset. |
breakdown:state | Current location state of the asset. |
cause | Description of the cause for the case. |
correction | Description of the resolution for the case. |
complaint | Description of the complaint for the case. |
customComplaintCodes:code | A set of custom complaint codes (must be defined through Professional Services before use) |
customerRequestedAppointmentTime | Customer’s preferred appointment time. |
customerRequestedCompletionTime | Customer’s preferred completion time. |
followup_time | Time by which the customer needs to be contacted. |
po_number | Purchase order number. |
auth_number | ????????????? |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ct:driverName xsi:nil="true"/>
<ct:driverPhone xsi:nil="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<subcase xmlns=""
Create a case for a service location in your group.
POST /service_locations/{id}/cases
Name | Condition | Description |
assetArrived | required | The time at which the asset arrived at the service location. |
assetCheckInTime | optional | The time at which the asset was checked in at the service location. |
assetIdentifier:id | optional | The Decisiv Asset Id. |
assetInformation:mileage | required | The mileage of the asset when the case is created. |
assetInformation:trailer:loaded | required | The status of the trailer. |
assetInformation:trailer:unitNumber | required | The unit number of the trailer attached to the asset. |
atr | required | Actual time of repair. |
authNumber | required | Authorization Number. |
breakdown:city | required | The current location city of the asset. |
breakdown:driverName | required | The driver’s name. |
breakdown:driverPhone | required | The driver’s phone number. |
breakdown:location | required | The current location of the asset. |
breakdown:state | required | The current location state of the asset. |
cause | required | The description of the cause for the case. |
complaint | required | The description of the complaint. |
confirmedAppointmentTime | required | Confirmed appointment time. |
correction | required | The description of the resolution for the case. |
customComplaintCodes:code | optional | A set of custom complaint codes (must be defined through Professional Services before use). |
customerRequestedAppointmentTime | required | The customer’s preferred appointment time. |
customerRequestedCompletionTime | required | The customer’s preferred completion time. |
downtime | required | The time at which the asset was not operational. |
etr | required | Estimated time of repair. |
followupTime | required | The time by which the customer needs to be contacted. |
invoiceAmount | required | Invoice total. |
invoiceDate | optional | Invoice Date. |
invoiceNumber | required | Invoice number. |
poNumber | required | Purchase order number. |
primaryContact:name | required | The full name of the primary contact. |
primaryContact:phone | required | The phone number of the primary contact. |
primaryContact:relation | required | The relation of the primary contact. |
roNumber | required | Repair order number. |
serviceLocationSuggestedAppointmentTime | required | Service location’s preferred appointment time. |
status:name | optional | Current status of the case. |
tagNumber | required | Tag number for the asset on the lot. |
uptime | required | The time at which the asset was operational. |
vmrs:code14 | optional | Reason for repair. |
vmrs:code15 | optional | Work Accomplished. |
vmrs:code16 | optional | Repair priority. |
vmrs:code17 | optional | Repair site. |
vmrs:code82 | optional | Operator Report. |
vmrs:complaintCode33 | optional | Component code for the complaint. |
vmrs:complaintCode79 | optional | Position code for the complaint. |
vmrs:correctionCode33 | optional | Component code for the correction. |
vmrs:correctionCode79 | optional | Position code for the correction. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<case xmlns=""
A single case response.
GET /service_locations/{id}/users
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<users xmlns:g=""
GET /service_locations/{id}/departments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<departments xmlns:xsi=""
GET /service_locations/{id}/departments/{code}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<department xmlns:xsi=""
GET /service_locations/{id}/program_types
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<programTypes xmlns:xsi=""