Service Locations

Service locations are business entities that perform work on assets.

Create a case for an service location

Create a case for a service location in your group.

POST /service_locations/{id}/cases

Request Attributes

Name Condition Description
assetArrived optional The time at which the asset arrived at the service location.
assetCheckInTime optional The time at which the asset was checked in at the service location.
assetIdentifier:id optional The Decisiv Asset Id.
assetInformation:mileage optional The mileage of the asset when the case is created.
assetInformation:trailer:loaded optional The status of the trailer.
assetInformation:trailer:unitNumber optional The unit number of the trailer attached to the asset.
atr optional Actual time of repair.
authNumber optional Authorization Number.
breakdown:city optional The current location city of the asset.
breakdown:driverName optional The driver’s name.
breakdown:driverPhone optional The driver’s phone number.
breakdown:location optional The current location of the asset.
breakdown:state optional The current location state of the asset.
cause optional The description of the cause for the case.
complaint optional The description of the complaint.
confirmedAppointmentTime optional Confirmed appointment time.
correction optional The description of the resolution for the case.
customComplaintCodes:code optional A set of custom complaint codes (must be defined through Professional Services before use).
customerRequestedAppointmentTime optional The customer’s preferred appointment time.
customerRequestedCompletionTime optional The customer’s preferred completion time.
downtime optional The time at which the asset was not operational.
etr optional Estimated time of repair.
followupTime optional The time by which the customer needs to be contacted.
invoiceAmount optional Invoice total.
invoiceDate optional Invoice Date.
invoiceNumber optional Invoice number.
poNumber optional Purchase order number.
primaryContact:name optional The full name of the primary contact.
primaryContact:phone optional The phone number of the primary contact.
primaryContact:relation optional The relation of the primary contact.
roNumber optional Repair order number.
serviceLocationSuggestedAppointmentTime optional Service location’s preferred appointment time.
status:name optional Current status of the case.
tagNumber optional Tag number for the asset on the lot.
uptime optional The time at which the asset was operational.
vmrs:code14 optional Reason for repair.
vmrs:code15 optional Work Accomplished.
vmrs:code16 optional Repair priority.
vmrs:code17 optional Repair site.
vmrs:code82 optional Operator Report.
vmrs:complaintCode33 optional Component code for the complaint.
vmrs:complaintCode79 optional Position code for the complaint.
vmrs:correctionCode33 optional Component code for the correction.
vmrs:correctionCode79 optional Position code for the correction.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<case xmlns="" xmlns:ct="" xmlns:g="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <ct:driverName>Driver Name</ct:driverName>


A single case response.

List departments for a service location

GET /service_locations/{id}/departments


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<departments xmlns=""
    <department xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:d="" xmlns="">
    <department xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:d="" xmlns="">

Get a single department by code

GET /service_locations/{id}/departments/{code}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<department xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:d="" xmlns="">

List program types for a service location

GET /service_locations/{id}/program_types


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<programTypes xmlns=""
    <programType xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:pt="" xmlns="">
    <programType xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:pt="" xmlns="">